A Serendipitous Introduction



It’s lovely to meet you. 

What’s your name? 

A powerful inquiry.

A glimpse into your life.

Eyes collide,

I see you. 

Dive deep into the unknown. 

With curious and intentional eyes

And a kind heart, 

I hear you. 

Multi-faceted story—

The good, the bad, the soul-stirring, the dazzling.  

I feel honored to know you, 

To learn about you, 

To be in your presence.

We don’t see beneath the surface— 

The hidden depths of you 

Often get overlooked. 

God has created us in His image—

Sacredly, beautifully, and specifically. 

You are one of a kind. 

You are loved.

You are treasured—never forget that. 

How do you approach meeting someone new? What is something that you wished someone would ask you about?